Saturday, February 9, 2008


Ok, first of all, I thought that the accusation was just crazy. Do people really think that Target is going to make an add that they center about sexual things? Absolutely not. They deffiently didn't aim their message to that. I think that the people who accused them are just dumb. This is just ridiculous. Now, on the other hand, Target should take into consideration the opinions of all their customers, including bloggers. I think that Target should listen to the bloggers, no matter what their opinion is. If a customer has questions about anything to do with your company, you should make that a major prioriety. The customer always comes first. Saying that your company doesn't respond to certain people, sends out a bad message. Target may have lost some customers over this controversy. Although, I'm sure it won't hurt them too badly except the negative press they are getting over it.

1 comment:

Ego Brain said...

You made a good point, Allie. Target would never intentionally make sexual ads as it is a family oriented store. Sure there are those few weirdos who would see this ad as being sexual, but, to tell the truth, had I seen that specific ad and never had read this article, I wouldn't have made that association at all.